10 rounds total ( 5 of each!)
90 sec on 1 min rest
Odd rounds:
50 DU
15 handstand push-ups
Dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads
Even Rounds:
15 DB DL
15 DB Front Squats
AMRAP Burpees to a 25lbs plate
10 rounds total ( 5 of each!)
90 sec on 1 min rest
Odd rounds:
50 DU
15 handstand push-ups
Dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads
Even Rounds:
15 DB DL
15 DB Front Squats
AMRAP Burpees to a 25lbs plate
Start with:
21 Power snatches 95/65
12 shuttle runs
6 Wall Walks
Every round the wall walks go down by 1, and the runs go down by 2, and the snatches go down by 3.
Finish with:
6 Power snatches 95/65
2 shuttle runs
1 Wall Walks