A: 30 seconds max sandbags over the shoulder
Rest 90 seconds in a plank
Then 3 minute rest
For 2 rounds
21-15-9 of
135 Push jerks and T2Bs
Rest 5 minutes
Front Squats and bar hop burpees
A: 30 seconds max sandbags over the shoulder
Rest 90 seconds in a plank
Then 3 minute rest
For 2 rounds
21-15-9 of
135 Push jerks and T2Bs
Rest 5 minutes
Front Squats and bar hop burpees
Start with:
21 Power snatches 95/65
12 shuttle runs
6 Wall Walks
Every round the wall walks go down by 1, and the runs go down by 2, and the snatches go down by 3.
Finish with:
6 Power snatches 95/65
2 shuttle runs
1 Wall Walks