Partner WOD
Switching every round
20-2 of T2BS (going down by 2s)
Paired with
10-1 of sandbag cleans (touch and go ideally not over the shoulder)
Rest exactly 3 mins
6 rounds (switching every round)
10 BBJO 24"/20"
40' of HW
Partner WOD
Switching every round
20-2 of T2BS (going down by 2s)
Paired with
10-1 of sandbag cleans (touch and go ideally not over the shoulder)
Rest exactly 3 mins
6 rounds (switching every round)
10 BBJO 24"/20"
40' of HW
On the 6 minutes X 4 -
48 DU,
12 C2Bs,
15 thrusters at 115/85
12 C2Bs
48 DUs
*Score is total rest - so get after it!