Starting at 10/8 cals or reps
1. Row
2. Bar hop burpees
3. Thrusters 75/55 lbs
The fourth minute will be rest.
Each time you complete the round add one cal or rep to each station.
The ultimate goal is to finish the round of 20/20/20!
Starting at 10/8 cals or reps
1. Row
2. Bar hop burpees
3. Thrusters 75/55 lbs
The fourth minute will be rest.
Each time you complete the round add one cal or rep to each station.
The ultimate goal is to finish the round of 20/20/20!
12 rounds switching every round
12 Front rack lunges 1355/95
12 C2Bs
rest 2 minutes
8 rounds switching ever round
8 clean and jerks 135/95
8 ring dips
Rest 2 minutes
6 rounds switching every round
6 Power snatch at 135/95
6 BM