On the 8 minutes X 4
RD 1 and RD 2
80 DU 40/36 cal row 20 T2Bs 20 HSPU
RDs 3 and 4 performed in Reverse order
*Score is total rest
On the 8 minutes X 4
RD 1 and RD 2
80 DU 40/36 cal row 20 T2Bs 20 HSPU
RDs 3 and 4 performed in Reverse order
*Score is total rest
Part A: Bench maintenance work
4x5 at 80%
Part B: 12 Min AMRAP
6 Gym width shuttle runs (there and back is 1)
6 lateral burpees over DBs
12 (6 per side) Single arm Hang clean and jerk 50/35