A: 1 Power snatch + 1 low hang snatch + 1 OHS
On the 2 mins x 10 at increasing loads
B: Back Squats -
4 x 8 at increasing loads.
Goal is to work up to a hard effort that should be close to your 80%.
A: 1 Power snatch + 1 low hang snatch + 1 OHS
On the 2 mins x 10 at increasing loads
B: Back Squats -
4 x 8 at increasing loads.
Goal is to work up to a hard effort that should be close to your 80%.
On the 3 mins x 10
8 BBJO at 24/20
6 Squat cleans thrusters at 135lbs/95lbs
The goal is to get the work done for all ten rounds. If you can't finish a round in the allocated time window, take a recovery round and get back in and try and hold on until the tenth round. Good luck!