January 26, 2023 Jason Cain Here for the pump January 26, 2023 Jason Cain Part A:12 MIn EMOM1. 40 sec plank hold2. 20 V-ups3. 45 sec side plank (L)4. 45 sec side plank (R)Part B:21-15-9DB shoulder to overhead 50/35and 3-2-1 of Legeless rope climbs
January 25, 2023 Jason Cain Let's EMOM it January 25, 2023 Jason Cain A: Grip WorkDB Hex Head hold45 sec per side x 33 x20 wrist ext (very light)B: Clean and JerkEMOM x101 Full clean and jerk at 80% C: Deadlift6x6 at 70% immediately followed by 6 high BJsRest 2 minutes between sets
January 24, 2023 Jason Cain Wall Walks for the win January 24, 2023 Jason Cain 7 mins on3 mins offx 350/40 cal row20 burpees over the rower20 T2Bs10 Wall WalksStart back at the top on each 7 mins piece.The goal is to complete one full round in each 7 min piece.
January 23, 2023 Jason Cain The back 9 January 23, 2023 Jason Cain 9 rounds total ( 3 of each!)1:30 on 1 min restRounds 1-38 Thrusters at 135/958 3"Deficit handstand push-upsAMRAPWBsRest 3 minsRound 4-610 Hang full cleans 135/9510 C2Bs AMRAP WBsRest 3 minsRounds 7-912 Deadlifts at 135/956 RMUAMRAP WBs
January 22, 2023 Jason Cain Got it! January 22, 2023 Jason Cain Part A: A: 12 MIN EMOM 1. Strict Press 6 reps at 70%2. 12 dipsPart B:3 RFT of50/40 Cal row30 push ups20 T2Bs
January 21, 2023 Jason Cain Light weight baby! January 21, 2023 Jason Cain artner WODAMRAP in 24 minutesSwitching as needed24 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24"/20""2 Legless rope climbs36 DB Thrusters 50/35lbs12 BM48 DB Deadlifts2 legless rope climbs
January 20, 2023 Jason Cain Feels like the Open January 20, 2023 Jason Cain Part A: 100 KBS for time 24/16kgsPart B:21-18-15-12 ofSnatch 75/55lbsOHSC2Bs
January 19, 2023 Jason Cain Thanks HWPO January 19, 2023 Jason Cain Part A:12 MIn EMOM1. 40 sec plank hold2. 20 starfish3. 20 sec L-sit-hold4. 20 candle sticksPart A:18-12-9-6-3DB Power cleanDB ThrusterDB lunge50/35
January 18, 2023 Jason Cain C&J week #3 January 18, 2023 Jason Cain A: Grip Work:Accumulate 3:00 in a dead hangB1: Full clean and jerk on the 90 sec x 63 at 70% and 3 at 75%1 full clean + 1 hang full clean + 1 jerkB2:on the 90 sec x 4all at 80%1 hang clean + 1 jerkC: Deadlift1x12 at 50%1x8 at 60%1x6 at 70%3x5 at 75%Rest approx 2 minutes between sets
January 17, 2023 Jason Cain Can you finish? January 17, 2023 Jason Cain 6 mins on3 mins offx 3AMRAP100 DU50 DB snatch 50/3550 WBS25 T2BsStart back at the top on each 6 mins piece.The goal is to complete one full round in each 6 min piece.
January 16, 2023 Jason Cain Let's build for the Open January 16, 2023 Jason Cain 6 rounds of : 1:15 on 1:00 off - 8 Front Squat 185/1258 HSPU at 3" deficitAMRAP BurpeesRest 3 minutes6 rounds of : 1:15 on 1:00 off - 6 RMU8 Power cleans 185/125AMRAP Burpees
January 15, 2023 Jason Cain A great mix January 15, 2023 Jason Cain A: Strict PressWork up to a heavy 2 RMThen back off 10 %5x3B: 4x12 per legBack rack lunges135/95C:1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:Dumbbell squatsBar-facing burpees50/35lbs
January 14, 2023 Jason Cain Don't do the math January 14, 2023 Jason Cain Partner WOD switching as needed12 rounds of: 12 jerks at 155/105, + 2 rounds of C2B Cindy.
January 13, 2023 Jason Cain A twist on 18.1 January 13, 2023 Jason Cain Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:14 toes-to-bars7 Double dumbbell hang snatch 50/3516/14-cal. row
January 12, 2023 Jason Cain All the core January 12, 2023 Jason Cain Part A: 12 MIn EMOM1. 40 sec plank hold2. 30 sec hollow body hold3. 30 russian twist with 20/14 med ballPart B: 40-30-20-10 of GHD sit-ups and pistols with 4-3-2-1 of Rope climbs
January 11, 2023 Jason Cain Week 2 of clean and jerks January 11, 2023 Jason Cain A: Grip Work:0:45 sec per side pinch plate 35/25Wrist Ext 20 per side light weightB1: Full clean and jerk on the 90 sec x 5all at 70%1 full clean + 2 squat + 1 jerkB2:on the 90 sec x 5all at 75%1 full clean + 1 squat + 1 jerkC: Deadlift1x12 at 50%1x8 at 55%1x6 at 60%3x5 at 70%
January 10, 2023 Jason Cain Can you get 2 rounds? January 10, 2023 Jason Cain 5 minutes on 3 minutes offx 4AMRAP42 DU21 WB15 C2Bs9 Devil Press 50/35Regardless of where you end up, start back at the top on each round.The theoretical goal is 2 rounds each 5 mins
January 9, 2023 Jason Cain Up for the challenge? January 9, 2023 Jason Cain 6 rounds of : 60 seconds on 60 seconds off - 7 Power cleans at 185/1257 HSPU 3" deficitAMRAP Jumping LungesRest 2 minutesThen 6 rounds of 60 seconds on 60 seconds off 14 deadlifts 185/1257 RMUAMRAP Jumping Lunges
January 8, 2023 Jason Cain Sunny Side Up January 8, 2023 Jason Cain A: Strict PressWork up to a heavy 3 RMThen back off 10 %4x4B: 4x10 per legBack rack lunges135/95C: 30-20-10 ofCals on the rowerDB Push press 50/35lbsPush ups
January 7, 2023 Jason Cain Gym Crush January 7, 2023 Jason Cain In teams of two - For time with only athlete training at a time. Complete the following: 400 DU, 200 WB, 100 ring dips, 50 power cleans at 155/10525 BM