One of the most heart warming testimonials I've ever read. Take a minute and see what Elanne has to say about her time at 306.
My story is very much like many before me- a competitive athlete who came to university, had misconceptions of both health and happiness, and lost control of eating and exercise habits. Before I knew it, I had to slowly crawl (literally…you should have seen my burpees 5 years ago…) all the way back to somewhere where I could find myself, and once again become a healthy and happy human.
Why Crossfit? I love being strong- smashing a golf ball 300 yards, throwing a barbell over my head, or feeling like I am capable of doing the unexpected. I also love being fit- walking 18 holes, going for a lane swim, or strapping on my goalie equipment. If I can do all of these things with ease, I will essentially set myself up to “be the best me”, and enjoy every experience that I am offered in life. I think that this is the whole point of being a capable body, and therefore Crossfit will be something that I do for the rest of my life.
I began my Crossfit journey over 5 years ago, and had a weight loss transformation a few years in. When I moved to 306 in the spring of 2015, I thought that my health was the best it had ever been, and my plan was to simply maintain my fitness levels. I had no idea just what my body and mind were capable of doing, and the limits that I would soon push past in the months and years to follow.
So…what makes 306 so special? Well, let me tell you about Jason Cain. Jason Cain is an evil little man. He makes up these workouts that bridge the gap between actually making me want to jump off a bridge in hopes of breaking a leg, and making me want to build a bridge that will get me to the gym faster. I truly don’t think that anyone can conceptualize what it means to do a “JCain” workout until you’ve been absolutely destroyed by a “JCain” workout. The worst part is, is that in the moments, hours, and even days that follow one of these soul destroying sessions, you convince yourself that you are crazy, and it “actually wasn’t that bad”. But then, it happens again…and again…and again… AND THEN! The most confusing part comes… Your body weight goes down, but your squat goes up. Your legs lose mega inches, but you PR your clean. Handstand pushups, pull ups and toes to bar all become a normality, but so do heavier hang cleans, heavier overhead squats and heavier push jerks. Your body begins to look, feel, and perform in ways that you only dreamt of…and you realize that amongst the hard work, consistent diet, and effort, that evil little man you cursed at day in and day out, may not be so evil after all.
There is something about Jason and his wife Rebecca that every person needs to know. They are two of the most caring, compassionate and kind people I have ever met in my life. When Jason notices you missed a class, he cares. When Rebecca asks what you are doing for the weekend, she cares. And, when Jason awkwardly shuffles away due to tears forming in your eyes because FITNESS AND LIFE ARE HARD SOMETIMES, even then, he cares. The best thing about Reebok Crossfit 306 is just that- Jason and Rebecca truly care about each person that walks through the door, every single day. They care about our health and fitness, but they also care about who we are as people, and that is incredibly special.
The numbers on the scale, the change in clothing size, or even the drastic before and after photos, do very little in comparison to the other ways that 306 has changed my life. I have become a better friend, girlfriend, employee, and person because of increased capabilities as a result of the gym. Reebok Crossfit 306 is truly a remarkable place, and I will forever be grateful that it is such a huge part of my life.