It’s coming! Throughout all of the CoVid shut down and limitations there have been quite a few online competitions announced and ran by different facilities around the world. Some of the athletes at 306 have competed in several different competitions during this time and had great success. Jay and myself have had the opportunity to both participate in and watch other athletes partake and we have took the good and the “not-so-good” from each of them and started brain storming.
We came up with “Proving Grounds” by Reebok Crossfit 306. What we envisioned was a high-level, well organized immersive test of fitness that could be executed by anyone at any level of fitness. We wanted it to be inviting and exciting for everyone. We wanted that “Open” feel in the gym each day when the workouts come out. We wanted to have people talking about it, to have people anxious and nervous to put forth their best effort. Remember that feeling you get walking into the gym on a Friday during the Open knowing you are going to be putting forth just that little bit extra? That you are going to be entering a score and want it to be something you are proud of? That’s what we were trying to create. I think we have succeeded!
Jay and I have come up with a two week, eight event, competition with workouts that, I promise you, will challenge everyone from the Games level athletes to the person who started Crossfit a week ago and just wants to be healthy. We have been sneaking different portions of the workouts into group training sessions for the past few weeks to test, tweak and finesse the programming. We have had segments of them tossed in to custom programming for #JCainTrained athletes to unknowingly test and see results. All the weeks of testing and refining will be for your benefit and enjoyment (and a little pain ;) ) in the Proving Grounds.
Our hope for Proving Grounds is for you to get as excited about it as we are. We want as many people participating and pushing each other as we can. Just the same as the Open is so much fun because you have peers to compare scores against and can see where other people from other gyms scores stack up, that is what we will have in Proving Grounds. We want you to message, call, FaceTime your friends around the province, the country or the world and have them sign up. We want you to compete and prove your fitness to each other.
We will have an online leaderboard similar to the Open ran by Competition Corner where you can see who has registered, where they’re from, what division they are in. Once scores have been submitted online and the first week leaderboard closes, you will be able to see how things shook out in week 1 and what you have to do in week 2 to make sure you have the bragging rights in your group.
As mentioned, the event will be held over two weekends. Each weekend will have four scored events. The four events will be released on Thursday evening and you will have until Monday evening to submit your scores online. The first weekend starts on Thursday, November 26th and runs until Monday, November 30th. The second weekend will begin Thursday, December 3rd and runs until Monday, December 7th. The workouts will be programmed for the daily WOD at 306 from Friday through Monday so you have ample opportunity to get them in. Our hope is that other gyms, around the world, will also program the workouts for their members in an effort to get as much community participation as possible.
Our website will be going live next week with all the details. Online registration will open Monday, October 19th. Keep an eye on all our social media for updates and announcements as they are released.
You’ve been putting in the time. Now we’ll see you on the #306ProvingGrounds