To our Fitness family:
Well, here we are. It seems as though things are still changing daily and we really aren’t sure what our future looks like. There are a lot of “unknowns”.
Here is what we do know:
Exercise is a great anti-depressant and immunity booster
Spending time with people with a “social connection” is good for the soul (even via Zoom)
When you exercise, you tend to eat and sleep better
It’s easier to stick to a program when you have a community and a coach
Jason and I know that many have been hit hard. Every single person will be affected by this pandemic. We want to extend an offer to those of you that are experiencing financial hardship. If you and/or your spouse have lost your job and you can’t afford to pay for your membership or train, we would like you to join our daily Zoom class, Free of Charge!
We want everyone to be as healthy as they can so we can flatten the curve together. A healthy community translates to a better society. Improving health is what we do. We are preventative medicine, as such we want everyone regardless of ability to pay or not to have access to preventive healthcare. If you are interested please send Jason an email at so he can get you to sign off on our waiver.
For all of you that have been able to pay for your membership and can continue to do so, THANK YOU! We want to be there for all of you at then end, so your continued support means the world to us. We are stronger together and will continue to support you in any capacity we that we can.
If you need any extra programming for your home gym or office, please reach out to us as we have a variety of packages and options to help you reach your fitness goals.
Rebecca and Jason