Don't be afraid of moving forward, the future is bright 😊

It is with very mixed emotions that I write this today.  Coach TJ has accepted a role as Community Liaison Coordinator with the Saskatoon Fire Department.  Over the past 4 years, TJ has been the face of our morning classes at the gym, a loyal and trusted employee, and a great friend.  So, we are sad that we don’t get to have him everyday, but more than that we are thrilled for him.

Some of you might not know that TJ’s background is as a firefighter.  When he made the move to become a full-time coach, he was working up north and commuting back and forth.  He was always passionate about helping people and at that time, he wanted to be home for his small kids, Gunner and Ella.  So, when he was interested in joining us at 306, we were thrilled.  He was the perfect person to round out our executive team.

Over the years, we have witnessed TJ grow as a coach and leader.  We have had the opportunity to be a part of each other’s lives, getting to know each other’s extended families (parents, siblings and kids).  We have been able to celebrate together and lean on each other in difficult times.  It’s a unique business, the gym.  We get to know each other on a deeper level than in your typical workspace.  For that, we are grateful. 

We are big supporters of continued growth, taking risks and following your heart.  So TJ, congratulations on this exciting new opportunity.  Saskatoon Fire and the greater community are lucky to have you.  Thank you for your loyalty, support, dedication, and friendship over the years. 

So, what does this all mean?  Although TJ won’t be a full-time fixture in the mornings, he will stay on as a part-time coach and he will also continue doing some special programs, so stay tuned.  Rumour has it that he will also be joining the 6am crew to get a good sweat on before heading into the office.

Things will constantly change and evolve.  That is what makes our story so exciting.  We are looking forward to see what the next chapters hold and what characters we will meet.  The future is bright and beautiful. 

Much love,

Rebecca & Jason