306 smashes Smashfest!

This past Sunday 306 sent six athletes to SmashFest.  One scaled team (Rochelle Wempe, Steve Lund, Stef Fudger and Mike Rogers), and two athletes on the Rx side, Adam Holztman and Joel Baryluk.  Adam and Joel joined athletes from other affliates.

Adam and Joel battled hard all weekend and finished 25th and 18th respectively.

On the scaled side here is a recap from competing athlete Mike Rogers–

The day started at 9:15 with event 1 – (Max lift, 2 cleans 1 jerk) We knew we’d be going up against a Commonwealth games lifter, David Samoya on the male side so we had to open with some heavy lifts.  Steve and I both managed to hit some really good lifts close to our 1RM!  On the girls side Rochelle has been nursing a tear in her shoulder so wasn’t able to lift anything overhead in quite a few weeks now,  it didn’t show when she got 175lbs overhead and Stef came in right behind her after a few weeks off with pneumonia. We came in 2nd in event 1 with a total of 820lbs. 

Ten minutes rest and we went on to a checklist of movements (5 Strict pull-ups, 2 Pistols, 1 Rope climb, 1 Muscle-up, 5 Strict Ring Dips, 5 HSPU) we flew through that one only missing 2 movements getting us a 3rd place finish.  Rest, Hydrate and eat then off to Event 3 Which proved to be our best event of the day showcasing the quality of training at 306.  We took 1st in this event with 10+ rounds that’s 160 pull-ups and 200 shoulder to overhead!

We entered event 4 after watching all the previous heats struggle to complete this event we knew that all we had to do was stay in the suck as Coach says and just complete the event to be somewhere near the top, so that’s what we did Event 4 was – 500m row for one partner while the other does 40 wall balls(14/20#) then you switch movements and complete the other,  once you complete that you go directly into 20 front squats (155/105#) with 30 toes through rings and then swap.  There was and 8 min time cap to complete this for men and 8 min for women.  Steve and I managed to finish with time to spare and took 1st in this event thanks to the high volume of squats programed every week at our gym.  Next up was the final event consisting of 3 AMRAPS.  The key to these events was communication to avoid no reps and strategy and of course hard work.  We went hard and didn’t quit the entire time getting us enough points to take the top spot on the podium! 

All in all it was an amazing experience and well organized competition and showed us the value of communication in a team environment.  Big thanks to the coaches as our training really paid off in the tough events and it showed.  Hope to see more blue next year!

-Mike Rogers