Another impressive showing by 306, BOTB recap

This past weekend saw 281 competitors take on the 2014 Battle on the Border hosted by CuJo Conditioning in Lloydminster - and as usual 306 came in to fight hard! With so many athletes competing they moved out of their great facility and into the Servus Sports Center. Competition was extended to 3 days and with all that extra time and space there was endless opportunity for some great wods! Stadium seating brought in a bigger better crowd to cheer on the athletes! It was definitely a great promotion for our beloved sport!
In the scaled partner event 306 had 2 male teams and 1.5 female teams...
Charlie Martineau and Mike Rogers sported some very styling facial hair and incredibly positive attitudes all weekend long! They slaughtered day 2’s first wod of situps, shoulder to overheads and running, they each posted PRs on their Cleans and they finished 7th overall. Awesome job boys!!
Clint Senko and Adam Holtzman didn’t need team shirts since they never wore them anyway... they made the 205lb deadlifts look like child’s play, they both PR’d their cleans  (taking 2nd overall in that wod!) and they sprinted their way into a killer 5th place finish. What an incredible team to watch and cheer on!
Tanita Bunkosky showed us what the crossfit community was all about when she paired up with Shelby, a Crossfit Brio athlete and took on her very first crossfit competition! She hit some great lifts and had a huge smile on her face all weekend long. Way to go Tanita!
Kristen Major and I were out for blood (and we were sure tasting it after the first wod... can anyone say Fran Lung??). Kristen PR’d with 2 “touch and go” Cleans at 160lbs and I capped our total with a 165lb Clean & Jerk just before the clock ran out. Top that off with our own brand of communication, some very stiff competition and we were able to hold on for a solid 3rd place podium finish! So proud of our team!
In the Individual Rx Division, Laurie Thomson made a last minute decision to compete and battled through a lingering injury to finish with an awesome set of wods under her belt, including the heaviest Clean & Jerk she has been able to do in a while! Give that girl a skipping rope and those double unders will fly!!!
In the Men’s Master Division Brad Merkosky competed in his very first individual competition and snagged himself a silver medal to boot! It was incredible to see him nail a 190lb Clean & Jerk PR while his daughter cheered him on from the sidelines! Way to go Brad!!!!
Lastly, I want to say thank you to CuJo Conditioning for putting on such a well organized, smooth running, incredible competition. It was a great place to bring together old and new friends. On behalf of all of the 306 athletes that competed this weekend, we say thank you to the incredible community that is Crossfit... you guys are the icing on the cake to this crazy thing we do!!!
Next up... the OPEN!!!