It Takes a Community! | CrossFit 306

It Takes a Community!

"It takes a Community",  Ty's words resonated with me as I just attempted to better my score on 14.1 and lay motionless on the floor.  

It's now Tuesday morning and the scores are almost all in.  306 is in 5th overall on 14.1, 3 reps shy of third.  Top score for all of Saskatchewan gyms, and third in all the Prairies.  Good start 306!

Now if we look a little deeper and see what it takes in this day and age to finish in the top 5% of all CF gyms WORLDWIDE, 214th in the WORLD out of over 4000 CF affliates participating in the Open.  The answer is simple it takes a community!

What does that mean?  It means what Rebecca and I have always preached, "Community above all else".  Always supporting each other and pushing each other in a postivite yet competitive environment.  Our 6AM class goes through the same program as our 7PM class and all of other 9 daily CF classes.  One program, one community, one goal.  Our program and our system works, flat out it works. 

A great example on how we came to this score is thtis past weekend.  The scores would start coming in early at 6AM on Friday morning with Mike Rogers putting up the score to beat of 269.  At 11Am Parker and myself would go ahead and improve on the the top scores and post 315 and 308.  By the time Saturday rolled around people were bettering their performance on second attempts and trying to catch scores ahead of them.  Viki would come up with a big score of 308 which she would better on Sunday with 317, Destini the DU queen hit 303, and then Sam came to play and posted a whopping 328.  I redid it applying a different strategy then the day before using the muscle snatch instead of the Pwr snatch and improved significantly and posted a 360.  Tim Gab and Steven Lund would also put big numbers on the men side with 310 and 315.  Parker would redo it and hit 333.  As Sunday rolled around our scores were strong but only good for mid-pack in Canada West.  We had chased each other all weekend always bettering the scores for the team and the community but we needed a few big performances.  

Rebecca had initially posted a score which was not reflective of her current capacity, the issue came that she was using a new rope and it was not properly adjusted.  On monday morning Rebecca went on a mission, adjusted her skipping rope length and crushed 14.1, 345!  Tim Gabb new he had a little more in him aswell and decided to chase down Parker's score and hit, you guessed it, he hit one more rep 334.  Now our team score was looking great, good for top ten in the region.  One athlete left to come in, Joel.  Joel Baryluk one of our newest members was coming in at 1pm and has the skills and the capacity to hit this one big.  Joel would put up a great score, 312, but did something even better, he shared a strategy that he had seen used by an athlete that hit 394.  After hearing that startegy I new it was too late for me as I had already tried the WOD today.  I knew that if somebody could benefit from this strategy which involved pacing much slower in the early rounds it would be Wonderkid.  So a quick convincing text to Aaron Parker, and he would come in at 6:30PM, 30mins before the Open closes to take one last crack at it.  

So Aaron stepped up to the plate, using Joel's startegy, using Rob Webb to help him stay on pace, with Jeff Woo judging he would deliver a huge 390.  Huge group effort!

Well done 306, bring on 14.2!  

Keep supporting each other, and chasing each other.

- Coach