HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! We hope that you had a great holiday season - lots of good family, friends, food and WODs;). I love New Years. Not for the late night champagne toasts (I can barely stay up that late), but because it marks a fresh start. We can look at the past year and reflect on what we learned, smile on some memories, perhaps cringe on a few. Then, we can look ahead and plan for the year.
We started a tradition probably 10 years ago now, where we do family goal setting. These aren't New Year's resolutions, but measurable goals that we want to achieve in all areas of our lives. We have a family white board that we write the goals on and hang it up in our office. We look at what we want to achieve in our relationships, physically, spiritually, financially, etc. It is funny, but when we put 'date night once per month' on our goal board, we are more committed to making it happen. We want to able to check off our goals at the end of the year, so we look at our board regularly and check in on our progress. It is amazing how well it works.
It is great to use this same philosophy in CrossFit. The WOD journals are a great tool to set goals and track your progress. It is fun to check in and look back, even a month and see how far you have come. I find it helpful to keep me positive and celebrate my accomplishments and motivate me to keep striving for more.
What are your New Years traditions? We would love to hear what you do. Post your thoughts to our comments section - We would love to see what others do :)
We wish you nothing but health, happiness and success in 2012!