Janis Sherif, The open WOD, Steven Hodgson

Another exciting day at 306.  first off Janis Sherif posted an impressive 103 burpees on WOD 12.1 for the CrossFit Games Open.  This puts her into the top three in the World as of today.  Way to go Janis.
Remember we are only opening tomorrow at 10 for the Open WOD.  It  will take about an hour and a half to two hours to get everyone through.  So come do the WOD, and cheer your fellow athletes on, and enjoy all that is CrossFit. 

As well, big congrats to Steven for getting his first Muscle Ups today.  306 rocks!! 

Record Attendance, Laura.W, Oly Nights

Record breaking day at 306! We had 71 athletes train here today.  It seems that not even 100 thrusters can scare away these athletes.  Great showing by everyone today.
Big congrats to Laura W. for beating both coaches on today's WOD and posting an impressive 7:32.  Well done Laura!
On another note we will be suspending the Friday night Oly classes until the conclusion of the open.  Rest up and come and deliver your best performance every Saturday morning.

Happy Sevens

Another day, another couple personal records! Chris Robinson, awesome work today on those Overhead Squats! I would've put that wod RX'D, but Chris stayed true to himself and said he missed a couple of those Chest 2 Bar Pullups. I love the honesty, and I think that will push him even harder the next time a wod comes up with Chest 2 Bar Pullups. Awesome work buddy!

Another beautiful Overhead squat I witnessed today was Rayelle! I knew you had it in ya to do a little bit heavier, and I'm glad you did because you made those squats look like butter. Way to go Rayelle 

Congrats to Chad and Eric for getting their first butterfly pullups! And to Dano and Amanda for linking their butterfly pullups! Everyone is progressing and getting stronger each day and its awesome to see!

Keep going 306

Long weekend schedule

A couple changes for this weekend coming up. Since Monday is Family Day, the gym will be closed all day. Have a great day, and enjoy it with family and friends! Sunday's classes will be the same as usual.

Tomorrow, Saturday will be one time slot, 11-1 and a Benchmark wod. Make sure you bring your smiles because we will have a photographer shooting pictures during the class! See you all tomorrow at 11 am

Valentine's Day Special.... a.k.a The Valentine's Massacre

Well, as the day comes to an end, looking at todays board and seeing all those amazing times and alot with an "RX'D" beside it, it is just awesome to see how far you all have come in such a short time! You all should be extremly proud of yourselves, I know I am. At the end of the day it is just a workout and you all came in and tackled this dirty WOD like champs!! This is why I love my job, and love being apart of such an amazing community and you all are rockstars!!!

Way to go Reebok CrossFit 306!!!  


Cleanse and Zone/Paleo Info

Well, we have another cleanse group starting and we have another group transitioning in to Paleo/Zone.  So, I thought that it would be fun if we joined in on the fun and blogged about it this time around.  I know that I have had more sugar creep into my diet in the form of dark chocolate (yummy) and I need to cut my cravings, so time to cleanse and get back on track.  I am going to cleanse and blog about my experience in the Diet & Nutrition area.  I will post my tips on getting through the cleanse days as well as meal and snack ideas.  

As many of you are going into Zone/Paleo, Courtney is going to go strict Paleo/Zone as well.  She will also post about her journey, what she is eating and how her training is affected.  Sometimes, it is helpful to do these things together and support each other with tips, meal ideas, etc.  The truth is that keeping a perfect diet and training is hard...for everyone, so we hope that you find our stories helpful and we hope that you share yours with us.

All communication regarding the cleanse group will be posted through the website, so be sure to check in to see news and updates.  Happy training!       

Another happy customer

Here is a testimonial from one of our clients.  Adam and Heather trained here through the Christmas season and where a pleasure to have as part of our community.  Come back soon guys.

"I was lucky enough to train with Jason in December over the Christmas holidays when I was home for a visit. It was my first introduction to CrossFit... what an amazing experience! It was an awesome combination of a first class trainer and a first class facility. I highly recommend Jason and his gym to anyone...no matter their current fitness level or weight lifting experience."

Thanks again Jason,

The Open

What is our second favorite season of the year (after Christmas, of course)... The OPEN SEASON!!! And we don't mean hunting, Brett;)

The CrossFit Games Open starts Febuary 22nd, registration opens Febuary 1st. Our goal is to have 306 well represented in The Open, Regionals and The Games. This can only happen with the whole communtiy participating, because together we are stronger! Starting Febuary 25th, and the following 4 Saturdays, we will be hosting an all day throwdown with pot-luck. So come support our athletes, participate in the Wod and cheer on our fellow teammates! Join an estimated 100000 CrossFit athletes worldwide. Sign up, compete and lets represent Reebok CrossFit 306!

Check out the crossfit Games link: games.crossfit.com/

Throwdown Success

Well, you did it - your first crossfit competition at 306:)!  I want to thank all of the ladies that participated - so inspiring to see you work so hard, doing extra WODs to ensure that you could get them all in.  Great job to everyone, because you all actually did the WODs...I hope that you enjoyed them and had fun pushing hard this weekend.  Rest up and we will see you next week!

New Classes Added

We are very excited to announce that we are adding classes to our schedule.  As of Monday, January 09, 2012, we will be offering the following classes:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 6:00am
Tuesday/Thursday - 7:00pm
Saturday/Sunday - 9:00am

As our community grows, we will continue to offer new class times.  On another note, be sure to register for our Grand Opening Celebration on line.  Tell your friends...it will be a great afternoon with WOD demos, paleo food and 3rd place finisher at the Games - Rebecca Voight! 

Welcome 2012...New Years traditions

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  We hope that you had a great holiday season - lots of good family, friends, food and WODs;).  I love New Years.  Not for the late night champagne toasts (I can barely stay up that late), but because it marks a fresh start.  We can look at the past year and reflect on what we learned, smile on some memories, perhaps cringe on a few.  Then, we can look ahead and plan for the year.

We started a tradition probably 10 years ago now, where we do family goal setting.  These aren't New Year's resolutions, but measurable goals that we want to achieve in all areas of our lives.  We have a family white board that we write the goals on and hang it up in our office.  We look at what we want to achieve in our relationships, physically, spiritually, financially, etc.  It is funny, but when we put 'date night once per month' on our goal board, we are more committed to making it happen.  We want to able to check off our goals at the end of the year, so we look at our board regularly and check in on our progress.  It is amazing how well it works.

It is great to use this same philosophy in CrossFit.  The WOD journals are a great tool to set goals and track your progress.  It is fun to check in and look back, even a month and see how far you have come.  I find it helpful to keep me positive and celebrate my accomplishments and motivate me to keep striving for more.

What are your New Years traditions?   We would love to hear what you do.  Post your thoughts to our comments section - We would love to see what others do :)

We wish you nothing but health, happiness and success in 2012! 

Happy New Year! Schedule info...

Happy New Year Everyone!  We hope that we will see you for our NYE WOD at 10:30am.  That is the only class of the day.  We will be closed on New Year's Day and on January 02nd, we will have 2 classes - one at 11am and one at 12 pm.  Then, that is enough of all this holiday fun and we are back to regular schedule;).  See you tomorrow!


Canadian Ladies of CrossFit - THROWDOWN!

There is a group of 3 women; Michelle Letendre (Canada East), Louise Hodge (Canada West), and Erica Livett (Canada West) that all train and compete in CrossFit, 2 at the Games level.  They have a mission to grow the sport of CrossFit among women in Canada.  They have created a group to support each other, share successes and challenges as well as host some friendly competitions.  

They have just announced the 1st competition is taking place on January 14th and 15th.  It is structured much like the open last year, where you need to compete at an affiliate or send a video in to be judged.  They will announce the WODs in the morning of the 14th and you have until the evening of the 15th to submit a score.  There will be 50 women from the East and 50 women from the West competing, so let's get our ladies registered to represent the West and support this group.  This is the first event that they are hosting and registration is FREE!  We will program the WODs as the weekend WODs, so you'll be doing them anyways;).  Go to www.crossfitladiesofcanada.yolasite.com  to register and to get more information.  It will be a ton of fun, so please register and let's show them how strong the ladies of Reebok CrossFit 306 are!  If you have any questions, feel free to ask Jason or I at the box.  See you soon!