On the 2 minutes x 16
Odd Rounds
50 DU
15 T2BS
Even Rounds
15 WB 20#/14#
Today's goal is simple:
Can you get all 16 rounds?
The ideal is to maintain every round as 1:1 work to rest ratio
On the 2 minutes x 16
Odd Rounds
50 DU
15 T2BS
Even Rounds
15 WB 20#/14#
Today's goal is simple:
Can you get all 16 rounds?
The ideal is to maintain every round as 1:1 work to rest ratio
Part A: On the 2 minutes x 10 at increasing loads
1 Full clean
1 Push Press
1 Jerk
Part B: 6x6 squats at 65% (heavier than last week)