A:On the 2 mins x 10 work up to a new 1 RM C&J
B:Back Squats 1x10 @ 50%
1x8 @ 60%
1x6 @ 65%
1x4 @ 75%
1x3 @ 80%
1x1 @ 85% + Test
A:On the 2 mins x 10 work up to a new 1 RM C&J
B:Back Squats 1x10 @ 50%
1x8 @ 60%
1x6 @ 65%
1x4 @ 75%
1x3 @ 80%
1x1 @ 85% + Test
35 Min EMOM
1. 20 WBs 20/14
2. 20 starfish
3. 20 Box Jump Overs 24"/20"
4.. AMRAP C2B Cindy (Cindy = 5 C2Bs, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)
5. Rest
*Start back with a fresh round of Cindy every round, score is total reps of Cindy each round.