A: Core work
12 min EMOM
1. 0:30 sec hollow body hold
2. 30 Russian twists
3. 45 sec plank
4. 30 Heel Overs
Part B: Met-con
4 Rounds of
10 Bar MU
10 Double Arm Snatch 50/35
30/24 Cal Row
Rest 2 mins between rounds
A: Core work
12 min EMOM
1. 0:30 sec hollow body hold
2. 30 Russian twists
3. 45 sec plank
4. 30 Heel Overs
Part B: Met-con
4 Rounds of
10 Bar MU
10 Double Arm Snatch 50/35
30/24 Cal Row
Rest 2 mins between rounds
12 rounds switching every round
12 Front rack lunges 1355/95
12 C2Bs
rest 2 minutes
8 rounds switching ever round
8 clean and jerks 135/95
8 ring dips
Rest 2 minutes
6 rounds switching every round
6 Power snatch at 135/95
6 BM