Start with
A: EMOM x 10
Odd minute : 8 BJ at 32"/24"
Even minute 16 GHD sit-ups
Two minutes rest then...
2 rounds fort time of:
400m run, 80 feet of lunging with one 50/35lbs DB held overhead, 20 C2B
Start with
A: EMOM x 10
Odd minute : 8 BJ at 32"/24"
Even minute 16 GHD sit-ups
Two minutes rest then...
2 rounds fort time of:
400m run, 80 feet of lunging with one 50/35lbs DB held overhead, 20 C2B
Part A: On the 2 minutes x 8 work up to a heavy clean
Part B: Open 19.5
Thrusters 95/65 and C2Bs