5 RFT of:
32 DU
16 DB Front squats at 50/35lbs
8 Strict HSPU
1 legless rope climb + 1 rope climb
8 Strict HSPU
16 DB Front squats at 50/35lbs
32 DU
*rest 2:00 minutes after each round
5 RFT of:
32 DU
16 DB Front squats at 50/35lbs
8 Strict HSPU
1 legless rope climb + 1 rope climb
8 Strict HSPU
16 DB Front squats at 50/35lbs
32 DU
*rest 2:00 minutes after each round
Clock starts at 0:00 and you must complete each task within the allocated time.
Score is time to finish each task. If you do not finish, stop, record missed reps and continue onto the next part.
Part A: 0:00 - 7:00
4 rounds of
12 DB Front squats 50/35
Part B: 7:00- 14:00
4 rounds
12 DB Push press 50/35
9 BBJO at 24"/20"
Part C: 14:00 - 21:00
3 rounds of
15 DB Front squats 50/35
15 DB Push press 50/35
12 BBJO at 24"/20"