8 rounds total:
Odd rounds 1:30 on 1:30 off
24/20 cal row AMRAP DB Devil press 50/35
Rest 3 minutes
Even Rounds 1:30 on 1:30 off
Run 200m AMRAP DB thrusters 50/35
Score is total rest reps on Odd and Even separately
8 rounds total:
Odd rounds 1:30 on 1:30 off
24/20 cal row AMRAP DB Devil press 50/35
Rest 3 minutes
Even Rounds 1:30 on 1:30 off
Run 200m AMRAP DB thrusters 50/35
Score is total rest reps on Odd and Even separately
Part A: Clean Progression week #4
EMOM x 8 2 full cleans at 80%
Part B:
2 RFT of:
Row 500m/400m
15 OHS 115/85
10 RMU
Rest 4 mins
2 RFT of:
15 Thrusters 115/85
60 DU