100 air squats
30 push ups
80 WB
30 push ups
70 J.Lunges
30 push ups
60 Wall ball sit-ups
50 pull ups
Gym is closed
Part A; Accumulate 3 minutes in a plank
Part B: 7 rounds for time
20 WB 20/14/16/12
15 KBS 2/1.5/1.5/1
10 T2B
5 ring dips
6 rounds of : 30 seconds on 30 seconds off -
7 thrusters 115/85
AMRAP Bar Hop Burpees
Rest 3 minutes
Then 4 rounds of: 60 seconds on 60 seconds off
7 thrusters 115/85 7 Bar hop burpees
Rest 3 mins
2 rounds for time of
7 thrusters 115/85 7 Bar hop burpees 14 C2Bs