Make it happen
Test next week
Burning off that turkey
Clock starts at 0:00, rests are all 2 minutes and occur at the following times:
- 3 minute mark (3 min interval)
- 11 minute mark (6 min interval)
- 19 minute mark (6 min interval)
- 27 minute mark (6 min interval)
WOD ends at the 32 min mark (3 min interval)
AMRAP the following and pick up where you left off -
12 back rack lunges 135/95
15 push ups
15 T2Bs
12 Deadlifts at 135/95
Happy Thanksgiving - gym closed
Happy Thanksgiving - gym is closed
3 Heroes
As a team of two with only one partner working at time and switching as needed, complete the following modified Hero WODs.
* You must rest 2 mins between each Hero WOD
(75 snatches at 95/65)
Tommy V
3 RDs of:
21 Thrusters (115/75 lb)
3 Rope Climbs each (15 ft)
12 Rounds of:
5 deadlifts 275/185
13 Push ups
9 Box Jumps
Love it!
What's my pace?
Using your 2km pace
All sets will be 2 minutes followed by 1 minute rest
The goal is to commit to holding that pace throughout thesets
Set 1: Pace ( +9)
Set 2: Pace ( +7)
Set 3: Pace (+5)
Set 4: Pace (+8)
Set 5: Pace (+6)
Set 6: Pace: (+4)
Set 7: Pace (+10)
Set 8 : Pace (+0)
B: One arm heavy DB rows - 2x12 as heavy as you can, 2x10 same weight, 2 x8 same weight
C: Flat bench pullovers - 4x6
D: Flat bench DB chest press 3 x 8 as heavy as you can + 1 AMRAP at 10lbs less
E: Seated DB shoulder press 3x8 + 1 AMRAP at 10lbs less
Record all weights so we can increase over the coming weeks.
Weightlifting Wednesdays
Threshold Special
Clock starts at 0:00, rests are all 2 minutes and occur at the following times:
- 3 minute mark (3 min interval)
- 10 minute mark (5 min interval)
- 19 minute mark (7 min interval)
- 26 minute mark (5 min interval)
WOD ends at the 30 min mark (2 min interval)
AMRAP the following and pick up where you left off -
12 lunges DBs 50/35 held in front rack,
12 T2Bs,
24 cal row,
12 Burpees over the rower
Coach is Crazy
Build that chest
Can I call a friend?
Truth and Reconciliation Day
The Bruce
Snatch week #3
Not random
Clock starts at 0:00, rests are all 2 minutes and occur at the following times:
- 2 minute mark
- 8 minute mark
- 18 minute mark
- 26 minute mark
- 30 minute mark WOD ends
AMRAP the following and pick up where you left off -
40 feet of HW,
12 DB Hang full cleans 50/35,
1 rope climb (legless),
12 DB deadlifts 50/35