It’s Saturday night and things are winding down at our house.  I am sitting here reflecting on our day.  To be honest, I have been waiting for someone to tell me that there was a crazy mistake and our dear friend is not actually fighting against stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  It has all seemed too strange…Why?  How is it possible?  He is so fit and strong!  I guess that’s one of the more frustrating things about cancer, we don’t know why it affects some people, nor do we have the control to make it all better. 


We spent the morning at Avalon Park, doing the thing that exemplifies Bruce – Fitness!  Today, for the first time I felt so much positivity coming from this negative news.  It was so clear to me that we really don’t get to pick how many years we get to have on this earth, but we do get to choose how we fill them.  The theme was “Be like Bruce”.  I think that phrase can mean something different to each person that knows him.  To me it means to be humble and kind.  To push yourself to be the best that you can be ALWAYS.  Never give up because the human spirit is a powerful thing and can accomplish great things.  Live every day!  Do things that challenge your body and mind.  Love yourself and others.  Keep learning new things.  Get involved and make new friends.  Lead by example.  Live life with integrity.  I know that I will always aspire to live these qualities. 


We arrived this morning at about 9:00 and as the minutes passed, people came in running or on bikes.  Groups of people sporting the grey “Be like Bruce” shirts.  Media crews showed up, Police officers on their bikes, kids, friends, and family with a common thread – Bruce and the Gordon’s have touched their lives in some way.  Hundreds of people gathered to work-out for Bruce.  As I looked around, it made me smile to see so much rallying and support and love for the Gordon’s.  Photos came pouring in on the FB page of people doing the “Be like Bruce” workout or some form of fitness.  So cool to see.   What a testament to the character of Bruce and his family.


The months and days ahead are going to be tough for our friends and for everyone that loves and cares for them.   We will continue to support, pray, send positive thoughts, be the shoulder to cry on or the ear to listen.  Thank you all for your efforts to organize, show up and make this day so amazing.  Stay strong – “The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.”