To our valued members and friends,
After much consideration and discussion, Jason and I have made the decision to close the gym for the next 2 weeks.  Our scheduled reopening is Monday March 30th at 6am. This is not an easy decision, but we need to do our part to flatten the curve.  The health and safety of our community is our number one priority. 

There is an opportunity here to change from our day to day rushing to a calmer day to day.  We can be with our families, read, connect with friends.  There is also an opportunity to look out for our fellow man.  Do you know a front-line worker or someone who is at risk that could use a meal or groceries dropped off?  This is a great opportunity to help someone in need.  Remember, together we can get through this. 
To compensate you for the 13 missed days in March, we will apply a 15% discount on your April membership and another 15% discount in May.  I have also posted a link to 75 workouts that you can do at home with little or no equipment.  You can get your kids involved in them too.     
As a small business owner, I ask you to keep all the local businesses I mind.  If you can, pay your kids activity fees as usual, shop at an independent store, etc.  The truth is it is going to hit a lot of people really hard.  I know that I want my kids to be able to go back to their activities when this passes, so I want to be sure that these organizations are still around.   Just something to think about.
Lastly, take care of each other. Be kind, breathe, exercise, read, meditate, and remember, this too shall pass.
Thank you for sticking with us – “Community Above All Else”!  See you soon and if you need anything, please reach out to myself or Jason.  Thank you!
“…I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship” – Louisa May Alcott
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf”
With much love,
Rebecca & Jason