Chances are you have been bombarded with messaging about "the BEST 30 day weight loss program" or "6 weeks to perfectly sculpted abs" or "the juice only diet". There are a million fads out there and they are designed to get your attention. I mean who doesn't want a 6-pack in 30 days? The truth is, like everything else, there are no short cuts. If someone tells you that you can eat ice-cream and brownies and get in the best shape of your life in only 30 days (and the purchase of their specially formulated products), they are lying to you. I have been in this industry for 25 years and fad diets and workout plans do not work.
I am going to try to make it as simple as possible to follow for you. If it had a mom or it grew from the ground, you can eat it. That is about the simplest nutrition advice to follow when it comes to choosing what to eat. Next, only eat until you are about 80% full. You should be able to get up and do light activity immediately following a meal. You need to lay down just to let things "digest a little", then you ate too much. Finally, listen to your body. Is is "lunchtime" but you aren't hungry? Don't eat - it's okay, your body won't go into starvation mode. The truth is our caloric needs change based on a variety of factors, so listen to your body. Chances are that after a heavy lifting session, you will need more fuel than on a rest day. Honor that - your body is pretty smart and will tell you what it needs - you just need to listen.
Finally, you need to move your body everyday. Some days, you will have more intense workouts and other days, you will go for a walk with your dog. We need a wide variety of exercise in our lives that combine strength, conditioning and stretch. You will have the things that you like better, and that is fine, but don't neglect something because you just don't like it. At the gym, I will often hear, "I am so bad at lifting" but then in the next breath, I never come to the "lifting days". You will never get better at something if you continuously avoid it. In order to get better at nutrition and regular exercise, you have to practice good habits. Remember, it doesn't have to be complicated to work. Keep it simple😉