Credit cards can be awesome and can be devastating at the same time. How many credit cards do you have? Every single store seems to offer one and at the time it seems like you'd be crazy not to get it! Here's a tip - pick 1 card and destroy the rest. Credit cards make spending money more abstract, which psychologically encourages you to spend more on impulse purchases - up to 56% more!
When choosing a card, get one with rewards or cash back. Remember how I said I really want a vacation? I have a West Jet card to build up travel rewards and get buddy passes for flights. If you pay your card off every month, you are getting all the perks and none of the penalties.
When the credit card calls you and tells you that they have increased your credit limit, thank them and then decline the offer. You do not need a $50,000 credit limit on your card. Get a line of credit or a loan for large purchases. Set your limit to something manageable and then ensure you pay it off each month.
Another option is a visa/debit card. These are like a credit card, but don't work if there is no money in your account. There are lots of options out there as well as a lot of spending traps. These days, you can finance everything. You don't want to get stuck with fixed monthly payments that can easily get out of control. Know what you are working with and plan your spending in accordance with that. Trust me, the stress of excess debt is way worse than skipping out on _____________(insert the thing you can't afford, so I will just put it on my card here).
So, decide in advance where your hard earned money will go and make sure that it serves you, your goals and your values. Talk about money with your spouse, family and/or friends. Ask what they do for investments. Be open and honest with yourself and if you need help to get your financial house in order, there are a TON of people and services out there that can help.