The grass is greener where you water it....

We are coming to the end of competition season for dance and gymnastics in our house.  We still have equestrian, CrossFit and Weightlifting going on, but I wanted to share a tidbit of advice that an adjudicator shared at one of the competitions. 

The adjudicator had never been to Saskatoon before.  He has an incredible resume, honestly, he has worked with big names in music, movies and is established in his own right as a dancer.  He is a sought-after choreographer and works in LA, New York, Toronto, and Vancouver, and around the globe.  When he spoke one night, he said how he was so blown away by the talent and caliber of dance that was showcased.  This guy who is on the world stage, working with the best had this advise: “what ever you are doing here, keep doing it, because it is working!” 

He went on to explain that just because you aren’t in the “flashy” big city, doesn’t mean you aren’t dancing at that caliber.  You see, by training hard with these exceptional teachers, these dancers from Saskatchewan are on par with the dancers in the big centers.  Why?  Because the grass is greener where you water it.  You don’t have to live in the biggest city to get great training.  Hard work with great programming and a community of people that believe in you and push you to be your best is an incredible recipe for success. 

There are so many programs for fitness and nutrition out there.  Honestly, there are a TON of great coaches, programs, and teachers out there as well.  The truth is, everything will work if you focus on it and stay consistent.   

We have a house filled with competitive athletes.  I feel so grateful to the teachers and coaches that work with my kids on a daily basis.  They have helped them to grow and develop to be the best that they can be.  The part that I appreciate most is that they genuinely care about my kids.  They want them to be great and succeed.  When they are having a rough time, I know that they have their back and will adjust for them because they know them so well.  I am grateful to the friends that my kids have made and can go to competition with and train with. 

I am grateful to our little city.  I can honestly say that I don’t think that we would have been able to do all the things that we have been blessed to do in a bigger center.  So, remember, what you focus on will expand and just because we are small doesn’t mean we aren’t mighty.   When it comes to fitness, nutrition, or relationships, remember, “the grass is greener where you water it”. 

Thank you to all our coaches and community members for making 306 a world class gym.  Want to check it out and be a part of this magical place in Saskatoon?  Come try a class, you’ll be glad you did 😊