Summertime Eating

It's summertime! A time filled with lake days, barbecues, and ice cream dates. All of which are things that you should allow yourself to indulge in. When it comes to healthy eating, it is all about being smart, and we know that strict diets are seldom the answer; however, as bathing suit season is among us, it is often tempting to fall for those diets that "guarantee" quick results. But we live in Saskatchewan, and that means that our summer is extremely short-lived, so spending it focusing on unsustainable diets is just not worth it. This is where being a smart eater comes into play. We want to focus on eating real food that will keep our bodies satiated and sustained for long days filled with summer activities. Try getting ice cream from local places prioritizing whole ingredients, or ensuring that you incorporate vegetables into your summer BBQ, Make your iced tea instead of using the box mix. These small changes will allow you to feel your best all summer long without feeling like you are "missing out." It is essential that we are properly fueling our bodies but also that we do not occupy too much space in our minds stressing about food. We know that whole foods are better for us, so trying to incorporate as much of that as possible will contribute to better overall health, but there is no reason you need to follow a strict diet. Do what makes your body feel its best, so you have the energy to fit all the summer activities into the two short summer months we get here.