Thank-You to our Kick A$$ Community

As many of you know, the world championships for our sport happened this month – The CrossFit Games. We have been around this sport for a very long time now and it is crazy to look back and see the evolution of it all. The athletes gotten stronger, fitter, and faster and now represent a number of countries from around the world. They look different than they did and can do things that we never thought possible 10 years ago. But the one thing that has remained constant and true in this sport is the community.

When I look back at all that the gym has accomplished, it really comes down to the incredible people. Our community bands together, they buy shirts to support and raise funds, they show up to cheer, they share stories and pictures on social media, they show up to train hard along side whoever is competing, so they don’t have to do the extra stuff alone. They pace, they cheer, they are proud. We don’t have a gym filled with games athletes (that would be boring). We have a gym filled with amazing people that show up, support each other, and get fit along the way. We need the old and broken as much as we need the young and fit and everything in between. It is what gives our gym it’s soul. So, to every person who shows up, cheers others on, supports events, athletes and causes – THANK YOU! You really do make a difference and each of you is what makes up our CrossFit community and family.

No one can be great alone. We all need coaches, mentors, family, friends and sometimes strangers to help us along the way. That is for everything in life, not just in sport. I feel blessed that we found this training methodology all those years ago. I am grateful to CrossFit Connection, the first gym that we belonged to and where our friends became family. I am grateful to have been able to share our love of this sport and lifestyle with so many people over the years. I fondly look back at our humble beginnings and look forward to the great things yet to come. Our gym is the product of so many great people and their journeys. We look forward to many more great stories and adventures that we can do together as a kick a$$ community.