CIC, Going in with the right mindset

With 28 athletes competing tomorrow at the Cast Iron Classic, I wanted to reiterate some points that I had emphasized before the BCBD to keep things in perspective.  A lot of these I took from Chris Spealler's blog, a famous crossfitter that I admire for his take on competitions and his perserverance in the sport.  Take a second and read on:

Competitions do not define you, CrossFit is not who you are, it is just one of the many things you do.  99% of the people out there are hoping that you succeed and are usually incredibly impressed that you are willing to even attempt these athletic feats.  Remember it's all about having a great time, meeting new people, and pushing yourself to your own limits.  Here are a few mental tricks that I use to help me perform better in competitive environments.

1.  I try and not think too far ahead or create "what if" scenarios, e.i. what if I get no rep, what if I can't perform a certain movement.  All of these thoughts create anxiety.  Once you've registered, look forward to the event, but only focus on what you need to accomplish today.

2.  Don't worry about who will be there or not.  Don't measure your success based on your ranking versus others but rather on your performance based on your current abilities.  For example - If you have your best lifts of the season but finish 10th overall, celebrate that improvement, not the ranking versus others.  

3. Preparation is key.  Plan your clothes, get a haircut, and plan your nutrition for the day before and for competition day.  Focus on all of the things you can control and forget about the rest,

4.  The judges aren't out to get you.  If you get no rep, adjust, and move forward.  CrossFit isn't as straight forward as running 100m, there is a little grey area.  As such deal with it.  Rich Fronning got no rep at the Games, he still did alright.

5. Don't listen to detractors.  There's always someone saying "OH that was heavy, or that was long, ... or that was super easy” That’s there opinion, not yours, don't let their beliefs affect how you approach a WOD.  

5.  Start each WOD with a smile, finish with a smile.  You get to workout, that's awesome!

To all our athletes competing, good luck, YOU GOT THIS

- coach