Circus Thursday

It definantly was a different kind of Wod I've ever seen, but all in all it was pretty fun to do and pretty fun to watch! It's exciting to see something so different in a workout and each and every one of you took it with a grain of salt, brushed it off and just went for it! I also think you all come prepared for the unexpected every day, and that is what CrossFit is about, getting comfortable with the uncomfortable! Couple highlights from today's festivities - check three more people on that muscle up list, Dan Wolfe, Cole D and Chase E. Some of the things that make our job so much fun and why I'm so passionate about it is the determination that everyone brings to the gym every single day. I love seeing our athletes come in early or stay late to work on all those skills like handstand pushups, toes 2 bar and on the top of everyones list is the crazy muscle-up! So congrats boys on those amazing muscle-ups! Great work to everyone that came in tonight for the Games Open Wod, it is a tough one and you all hammered though! Kristyn M PR'D on her box jump today and did a 16 inch box job, way to go girl!!
Keep up the great work everyone!