Happy Thanksgiving 306!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!  It is such a beautiful time of year...leaves changing colors, brisk air and warm sunshine.  It is also a time where we come together as a family or friends and eat a traditional meal, usually of turkey.  We come together and celebrate with food, drink and sometimes football.  In my family, we have had a long-standing tradition where we pass around a 'blessing cup' and share with each other what we are thankful for.  I always find it interesting to hear the things that people are most grateful for over the past year.  It could be a moment, an experience, a person or group of people that impacted a life for the better.  I also find it challenging to try and summarize what I am thankful for in just a few short sentences.  

I am grateful for my family - the one that I was born into, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins all who helped to shape and form me.  I am thankful for the family that I chose, my partner in life and our beautiful daughters.  We are blessed to have these little people in our lives to challenge us, teach us, love us and make us to be better versions of ourselves.  

We are thankful for our 306 family; the one that is made up of so many diverse and amazing people.  We are lucky enough to be able to share in the part of so many people's lives...we get to get up everyday and share with each member our passion for health and wellness and in turn, we get to learn from each of our members.  We are inspired by each member’s dedication and determination to come in everyday and give everything they have to the WOD or lifting session.  We have the privilege to see people transform not only physically but mentally as well.  We get to see friendships and relationships form.  We get to hang out with like-minded people on a daily basis.  We are thankful that we have our health and that we are able to train, compete and share our knowledge with others.  We are thankful for 306!  We couldn't have imagined that signing our lease 2 short years ago would have brought so much to our lives and for that we are GRATEFUL!