The 306 pledge

Hi 306,


Over the last few months we have experienced exponential growth.  As such we have experienced some growing pains with a few over crowded classes.  Our pledge has always been and always will be to provide you with the ideal training environment.  As such Rebecca and myself are currently making the right adjustments to ensure that all of you that have showed their loyalty to us will always experience the same high quality coaching environment.   Your prices will always be grandfathered in, whatever you are currently paying is what you will always pay, my pledge.  We have added more classes to ensure the coach to athlete ratio stays reasonable.  Soon we will be capping our membership.  I have no intention in diluting the quality of coaching by having overcrowded classes.  My vision is to build 306 into a World class gym one step at a time.  I believe in our format and you have all demonstrated by your continued improvements that it works.  Thank you for making 306 special and please know that I will continue to ensure that it remains to be the best part of your day.  

Love you all,
Jason and Rebecca