Three parts all 6 minutes on followed by a 3 minute rest and rotate to the next part.
A: For time row - 1500m/1200m
B: For time
6 rounds of
12 DB snatch 50/35
12 T2Bs
C: For time
6 rounds of
12 DB single arm Push press ( 6 per side)
Your score is time in each section added together. If you don't finish, add 1 second per miss rep and 1 second per 10m in the row.
Reverse order hey?
Open Redo
Pick the right partner
"Partner MASH"
At the 0:00 mark
Start with 20 rounds of Holleyman
switching every round
5 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
1 Power Clean (225/155 lb)
At the 15:00
10 rounds (switching every round) of:
8 front rack lunges 135/95
8 C2Bs
You can't start until you hit those times, you can't start as well unless you finished the previous section
Scopre is time for part A and Part B separately
Open 22.2
Just Sweat
Lifting kind of Day
How long will you AMRAP?
Two different kinds of MU
Open 22.1 redo
Mash This!
Partner MASH
Start with 400 feet of front rack DB lunging 50/35
switching every 40 feet
At the 10 minute mark you can start on
10 rounds of
22/18 cal row and 8 burpees over the rower switching every round
At the 20 minute mark finish with
10 rounds (switching every round) of
10 DB Push press
10 C2Bs
You can't start until you hit those times, you can't start as well unless you finished the previous section
Time Cap 35 mins