New workout every 10 minutes (score is total rest) At 0:00 3 rds of 7 MU and 21/18 cal row At 10:00 4 RDS of 7 TGU 24/16 and 21 KBS At 20:00 5 RDS of 7 T2Bs and 21 empty bar thrusters 45/35
On the 2:30 x 10 Start with 3 of each. Each round goes up by 1 on all movements. When you can no longer complete the round. Take a recovery round. Then start again with one rep less and hold that for the remaining rounds.
Power Clean @ 135/95 lbs Bar Facing Burpee Thruster Bar Facing Burpee
12 MINUTE AMRAP 21-15-9 Deadlifts (165, 115lb) Pull-ups Right into… 15-12-9 Front Squats Chest-to-Bar Right into… 12-9-6 Shoulder-to-Overhead Bar Muscle-ups