Simple and effective
A little bit of everything
A: Deadlifts
6x3 at 80% on the 90 sec
B: 3x20 bicep curls
C: Bent over DB single arm row 3x15 as heavy as you can.
D: 3 rounds for time of:
30 squats
15 push-ups
30 walking lunge steps
Run 200 meters
Glad I have friends
Memories of Vancouver
Trenna's Game prep
When do we test?
But will I get rest?
Just an omelette
Short Run
Easy Peezy
I know you can
Yep, 3 squats!
Into the storm
Summer Heat
Happy Canada!
Happy Canada Long Weeekend
On a 3 min clock until you can no longer meet the requirement - cap at 11 intervals
Start with:
1 Devil press 50/35
1 DB thrusters
Every round add one rep to each movement. Once you can no longer meet the requirement take a recovery round and finish with 6/6/6 until the 11th interval.
Score is the last successful round.