Uniforms for the win

Uniforms for the win

Did you have a school uniform? I remember thinking how awful it would be, but now I kind of like the idea of a uniform. Here's another way for you to save some $$$ - create yourself a uniform. Sounds crazy, but hear me out. Fashion is cool and I admire people that have these incredible wardrobes. I am not very fashionable and I also do not have a budget to keep on top of trends or have multiple pairs of shoes.

Barter and Trade

Barter and Trade

When it comes to saving money, one of my favorite concepts is barter and trade. I would love to see this be more a part of our society. The truth is, we all have skills and talents to offer. Maybe you are an accountant and can file taxes for your friend who is a carpenter who can build you that murphy bed in the guest room that you have been dying to get. You see, it doesn't come down to a $$ amount, it comes down to trading a need for a need. Both parties find equal value in each other's skills.

Recycle, upcycle and re-purpose

Recycle, upcycle and re-purpose

I find that we live in such a consumer throw away society. Remember going to your grandparent's house and they had the yellow or green appliances that they have had for the past 30 years and they are still going strong? They weren't constantly trying to change things to match the latest Pinterest craze. Also, the house may have been dated, but they were solid! My house is 6 years old and I have already replaced our hot water heater, dishwasher, toilet flushers (they broke) and I am pretty sure that the stove and fridge will be the next to go. It blows my mind!

Money, Money, Money $$

Money, Money, Money $$

Let's talk about money. I think most people would wish they had more of it, especially when all the Christmas bills come in. I find that managing spending for a family of 5 can be tricky sometimes. I think that I have it planned and figured out and then someone always needs something or something breaks down. So, I decided to get really strict with spending this month. I think that it is really good to do, so that every purchase that you make is made with intention. It's so easy to just grab a coffee or snack on the go without a second thought. Maybe there were really cool trainers/runners/whatever the kids are calling them these days, that just got released and you just have to have them. You work out, so it's kind of necessary, right?

School's out for the holidays

School's out for the holidays

School's out for the holiday!! Do you have some excited kids in the house? Honestly, only my oldest is the only one of mine that goes to a brick and mortar school, but they are all excited for the break. I actually am on holidays from my other job as well. We planned it so that the girls and I can finish getting ready for Christmas together. There was a part that was really easy when they were little. I could Christmas shop with them there and they didn't even know. Now, it's a different kind of easy. I always have a shopping buddy to help me out. I can take Sienna to help me pick out stuff for Sydney and Chloe and then I can take Sydney to help me with Sienna and Chloe to help me with the rest. It's pretty fun and it gives me the opportunity to hang out with each of my girls and share some quality time together.

New traditions

New traditions

You know what is cool about this Christmas? There are no rules on how we have to do things. Okay, I guess there are - no more than 5 people, small bubble, masks inside, etc. but I mean for how you decide to celebrate (within those parameters). I mentioned that we didn't have our own tradition for a meal because we are usually at someone else's house. So, this year we got to brainstorm and decide what we want to have for our Christmas Eve dinner.

Do all the things

Do all the things

OK, so first things first - DO ALL THE THINGS! So, you can't have a big family dinner and things are not exactly like they have always been. That, my friends, is OKAY. What do you usually do for the holidays? We always decorate our house and this year, we did it a little early. Each year, we try to add to our décor. The more Christmassy the better. One year, I will get my exterior to be completely lit up;) I love cheesy Christmas movies as well as the classics, so we watch them at night before heading off to bed. We decorated gingerbread houses and I think they weigh about 10 pounds each this year. We never eat them, but they are fun to make.

Decisions, decisions...

Decisions, decisions...

Decisions, Decisions...did you know that the average human makes 35,000 choices every single day? That seems a little crazy, but so many of them require very little thought or the decision that you are making doesn't have a great impact, such as should I make chicken or fish for supper? Or somethings that are so automatic like brushing your teeth. You don't wake up and think, hmmm, I wonder if I should brush my teeth today or leave it? You just brush your teeth (I hope). ⁠

Female Community Leader of the year...Alyssa Weninger!

Female Community Leader of the year...Alyssa Weninger!

As Jason had mentioned in his post, I love that we still kept up with this tradition of naming our community leader awards. Usually, we get to be all dressed up at our gala and we can present to our recipients in front of our whole community. For obvious reasons, this year looks a little different, but I am so excited to present to you this year's female community leader award to (insert drum roll) Alyssa Weninger!

No Blog on Supplements - blog

I’m going to step out a little bit here and break a rule that I had set for myself when starting blogging; “no blogs on supplements”. I set that rule for myself as it’s far too large a field for any amount of blogging to cover. It is constantly changing as new research happens and as new products come on the market. One weeks fad is next weeks forgotten item sitting in a dusty corner of the shelf it once flew off of in the store. Also, each person is going to respond to each supplement differently. What works very well for someone might have no affect whatsoever for someone else. Just the way it goes. Then, I believe placebo plays a huge roll in supplementation. If you believe it works you will feel better while using it which will yield a little extra intensity in your workout regime and just like that, your new supplement that could very well have been flavoured baking flour produced some results. So, to that member who asked me after their class the other day, this one is for you. Let me add in here, that I do not claim to be any kind of expert on supplementation at all, nor am I going to try to offer any specific advise here. Just potentially shed some light in a simple way.

New Restrictions as of Nov 16th

New Restrictions as of Nov 16th

Please note that as per SK Health authority we will be reducing our class sizes to 8 per class as of this Monday.

However as we work through this challenging time we ask that everyone be flexible and look at classes outside your usual times in the event that those are full. We always have space at 6:45pm as an alternative option. In the event that all our classes are full we will add more classes to ensure everyone has the opportunity to train. Your health is more important then ever, and we will do everything to ensure that we do our part to keep everyone healthy.

I realize that this isn’t perfect and not what we want, nonetheless we must focus on what we can control and not what we can’t.

In health.

Your staff and coaches at 306!