An oldie but a goody!
From CF St-Paul
Have you mastered the basics?
Full effort
3 on 3 Prep
Because we can
You go I go
From Madison
Is this a trap?
Master the basics week #2
August long weekend
Always together
Thursday's Threshold
Master the basics
Don't cheat the rest
WIll this be easier than last week?
90 sec on 90 sec off
x 10
ODD Rounds
Buy in with:
8 BBJO at 24"/20"
4 MU
AMRAP DB 50/35lbs DT
Buy in with:
12 Box Jumps Overs 24"/20"
12 V-ups
AMRAP DB 50/35lbs DT
Pick up where you left off of DT on every round.
Score is total DT reps.
*DT is 12 DB deadlifts, 9 DB hang power cleans, 6 shoulder to overhead