2020 Proving Grounds re-test
Let's Press
Just make it through round #1
On the 10 minutes x 3
Score each round separately
Round #1
Row 1200m/900m
30 Lateral two foot hop burpees over the rower
30 DB snatch 70/50
Round #2
Row 1000m/800m
25 Lateral two foot hop burpees over the rower
25 DB snatch 70/50
Round #3
Row 800m/700m
20 Lateral two foot hop burpees over the rower
20 DB snatch 70/50
Just one more round
Regional 2014 Event #6
Back in 2014
Building that press
Easier than last week
Clock starts at 0:00, rests are all 2 minutes and occur at the following times:
- 3 minute mark (3 min interval)
- 10 minute mark (5 min interval)
- 19 minute mark (7 min interval)
- 26 minute mark (5 min interval)
WOD ends at the 30 min mark (2 min interval)
AMRAP the following and pick up where you left off -
18 lunges DBs 50/35 held in front rack,
12 T2Bs,
24 cal row,
12 Burpees over the rower
Your time to shine
Got it
I love my buddy
Triple Shot
Wodapalooza feels
New strength block
Keep an eye on the clock
Clock starts at 0:00, rests are all 2 minutes and occur at the following times:
- 2 minute mark
- 8 minute mark
- 18 minute mark
- 26 minute mark
- 30 minute mark WOD ends
AMRAP the following and pick up where you left off - 40 feet of HW, 12 DB Hang full cleans 50/35, 1 rope climb (legless), 12 DB deadlifts 50/35