Online Schedule
Cleanse group - last week!
12.2 A Thrilling Day of Snatches
Coconut Water and Steve's Paleo Kits
Keep it coming!
What a weekend!
Janis Sherif, The open WOD, Steven Hodgson
Remember we are only opening tomorrow at 10 for the Open WOD. It will take about an hour and a half to two hours to get everyone through. So come do the WOD, and cheer your fellow athletes on, and enjoy all that is CrossFit.
As well, big congrats to Steven for getting his first Muscle Ups today. 306 rocks!!
Record Attendance, Laura.W, Oly Nights
Big congrats to Laura W. for beating both coaches on today's WOD and posting an impressive 7:32. Well done Laura!
On another note we will be suspending the Friday night Oly classes until the conclusion of the open. Rest up and come and deliver your best performance every Saturday morning.
Happy Sevens
Another beautiful Overhead squat I witnessed today was Rayelle! I knew you had it in ya to do a little bit heavier, and I'm glad you did because you made those squats look like butter. Way to go Rayelle
Congrats to Chad and Eric for getting their first butterfly pullups! And to Dano and Amanda for linking their butterfly pullups! Everyone is progressing and getting stronger each day and its awesome to see!
Keep going 306
Jesse Buydens, Joanne Smallbones, Chandra Gerich
Jesse Buydens 305
Joanne Smallbones 300
Chandra Gerich 290
Congrats ladies!! Way to represent!
Long weekend schedule
A couple changes for this weekend coming up. Since Monday is Family Day, the gym will be closed all day. Have a great day, and enjoy it with family and friends! Sunday's classes will be the same as usual.
Tomorrow, Saturday will be one time slot, 11-1 and a Benchmark wod. Make sure you bring your smiles because we will have a photographer shooting pictures during the class! See you all tomorrow at 11 am
Perseverance and Dedication
First Cleanse Day...
Mr.Woo, Micheal Bugg, and Tyler Pochynuk
Jeff Woo made it on our benchmark board posting one of the five fastest times of the day for Elizabeth as Rx. Great job Jeff!
Let's all welcome our new members Tyler Pochynuk and Micheal Bugg. Congrats guys for completing your first WOD at 306.
Valentine's Day Special.... a.k.a The Valentine's Massacre
Way to go Reebok CrossFit 306!!!
Sarah Robbins, Nicole Wunderlich, and Pam Fooquette
Please welcome our two newest members Nicole Wunderlich and Pam Fooquette.
Cleanse Progress Update
Dustin Ratzlaff
Congrats to Dustin Ratzlaff for completing his first Rx WOD at 306. Dustin has come a long way from his first WOD at 306 and continues to improve on a daily basis. Way to go Dustin love watching you progress.