February 15, 2023 Jason Cain New look, who dis? February 15, 2023 Jason Cain A: Deadlift2x5 at 65%2x3 at 75%2x1 at 85%1 AMRAP at 90%B: Accessory - 3x12 single arm heavy rowsC: Rowing week #12km at Pace + 12Rest 90 sec3x row500m at 2km pace with 0:45 sec rest in between
February 14, 2023 Jason Cain Great way to spend time together February 14, 2023 Jason Cain 6 minutes on 2 minutes offX 4 rounds AMRAP15 DB Deadlifts 50/3550 DU25 T2Bs50 DU15 DB Thrusters 50/35Pick up where you finish on every 6 minute work interval
February 13, 2023 Jason Cain Same, but different February 13, 2023 Jason Cain 2 minutes on 60 seconds off x 4 rounds30 DB snatch 50/3510 Burpee BJO 24/20"AMRAP WBsRest 4 mins90 sec ons 90 sec offx620 OH Lunges 50/3520 BJO 24"/20"AMRAP WBS
February 12, 2023 Jason Cain Love Sundays February 12, 2023 Jason Cain A: Strict Press2x3 at 60%2x3 at 70%2x3 at 80%1 AMRAP at 85%B: Accessory - 4x12 bicep curlsHeavier then last week and skull crushersC:On the 10 minutes x 2Row 1000m/800m50 GHD Sit Ups and 25 HSPUScore is total rest
February 11, 2023 Jason Cain 306 Lifting Meet February 11, 2023 Jason Cain No classes today as we are hosting a lifting meet. Come and check it out!
February 10, 2023 Jason Cain Choose Your own adventure February 10, 2023 Jason Cain A: Core work 12 min EMOM1. 20 V-ups2. 20 Knee tucks3. 45 sec plank4. 25 sec Ring support Hold Part B:For time, partitioned any way you wish:30 ring muscle-ups90 KBS 24/20kgs180 DU
February 9, 2023 Jason Cain The Nicholson February 9, 2023 Jason Cain 3RFT of:50/40 Cal row10 chest to deck push ups40' HSW10 chest to deck push ups40 Pistols10 chest to deck push ups40 C2B10 chest to deck push ups
February 8, 2023 Jason Cain Test Day! February 8, 2023 Jason Cain A: On the 2 minutes starting at 50% test your 1 RM clean and jerk!B: Deadlift2x3 at 60%2x3 at 70%2x3 at 80%1 AMRAP at 85%
February 7, 2023 Jason Cain Open Styles February 7, 2023 Jason Cain On the 5 minutesX 5 rounds 50 DU25 T2Bs15 front squats at 135/10510 Push jerks 135/95Score is total rest
February 6, 2023 Jason Cain Where's the big break? February 6, 2023 Jason Cain 90 seconds on 90 seconds off x 12 roundsOdd rounds: 20/16 cal on the rowerAMRAP WBsEven rounds16 DB thrusters 50#/35#8 BMAMRAP WBsScore is total WBs for A and B
February 5, 2023 Jason Cain Squawts February 5, 2023 Jason Cain A: Squat2x5 at 55%2x5 at 65%2x5 at 75%1 AMRAP at 80%B: Accessory - GHD back ext 3 x30 at BW + 2 x 20 weightedC:10-9-8-...1 ofDB Thrusters at 50/35 and Box Step Over at 24/20 holding one DB only (any which way)
February 4, 2023 Jason Cain Who's your wingman? February 4, 2023 Jason Cain Switching Every Round with your partner30 rounds of: 4 front rack lunges+ 4 push press+ 8 bar hop burpees135/95
February 3, 2023 Jason Cain Fun Friday February 3, 2023 Jason Cain A: Core work A: Core work 12 min EMOM1. 0:30 sec hollow body hold2. 30 Russian twists3. 45 sec plank4. 30 Heel OversPart B: Met-con4 Rounds of 10 Bar MU10 Double Arm Snatch 50/3530/24 Cal RowRest 2 mins between rounds
February 2, 2023 Jason Cain Good old volume February 2, 2023 Jason Cain 32 Min EMOM1. 16/12 cal row2. 2/1 legless rope climbs3. 10 Single arm Devil Press 50/254. 20 pistols
February 1, 2023 Jason Cain Test Next Week February 1, 2023 Jason Cain "A: DB Hex Head hold30 sec per side x 43 x20 Forearm curlB: On the 90 sec starting at 50% and going up every roundOne full clean + front squat+jerk C: Deadlift2x5 at 55%2x5 at 65%2x5 at 75%1 AMRAP at 80%
January 31, 2023 Jason Cain So 3 rounds?... YES! January 31, 2023 Jason Cain 50 WB40 feet of handwalking30 Deadlifts at 50/35 DBs20 T2Bsx 2 rounds thenRest exactly 4 minutesRepeat for one more round(3 rounds total)
January 30, 2023 Jason Cain DT strikes back January 30, 2023 Jason Cain 1:30 mins on 1 minute offx 5 rounds15 Bar Hop BurpeesAMRAP DT at 155/105Rest 4 minutes1:30 mins on 1 minute offx 5 rounds15 Front Squats at 155/105AMRAP 4 3" Deficit HSPU 8 C2BS12 push ups
January 29, 2023 Jason Cain For the love of rowing January 29, 2023 Jason Cain Part A: 12 min EMOM1.6 reps at 65%2. 6 strict pull upsPart B: For total timeAll at your 2 km pace +2 with 1 minute rest after each interval250m/250m500/400m750/650m1000/800m
January 28, 2023 Jason Cain Wodapalooza styles January 28, 2023 Jason Cain Switching as needed except during synchro parts60 C2Bs60 Synchro DB snatch 50/3550 T2Bs50 Synchro WBs40 BBJO 24"/20"40 Synchro OH Lunges 50/3530 Devil Press30 One Arm Thrusters 50/35
January 27, 2023 Jason Cain This is getting serious January 27, 2023 Jason Cain 50 GHD sit-ups10 MU50 alternating single-leg squats40 GHD sit-ups8 MU40 alternating single-leg squats30 GHD sit-ups6 MU30 alternating single-leg squatsTime cap: 20 min