Short Run
Easy Peezy
I know you can
Yep, 3 squats!
Into the storm
Summer Heat
Happy Canada!
Happy Canada Long Weeekend
On a 3 min clock until you can no longer meet the requirement - cap at 11 intervals
Start with:
1 Devil press 50/35
1 DB thrusters
Every round add one rep to each movement. Once you can no longer meet the requirement take a recovery round and finish with 6/6/6 until the 11th interval.
Score is the last successful round.
Keep that power up
That round of 30 though...!
Summer Feels
From CF HQ
Strong Finish
Double trouble
BW Thursday
New strength cycle
Only 3 rounds
New week, new you!
Part A:
5 rounds of 90 seconds on 1 min off -
7 thrusters 135/95, 14 T2Bs,
After the first 5 rounds hit the second couplet after a set 3 minute set rest -
Part B:
This is also 5 rounds of 90 seconds on 1 min off-
28 WB, 14 T2Bs, AMRAP deadlifts 135/95
Score is total reps on AMRAP in part A and B