Final touches on the weekend
All the upper body
Looking forward to the weekend
Guaranteed a minute
In for a good time not a long time
BLB 2022 Throwback
All the things!
40 min EMOM
Beach Body
A: Core worK
1 min plank 30 sec hollow body flutter kicks 30 weighted russian twist Rest 2 minutes x3
B: Push press 1x10 at 60% 1x8 at 65% 1x6 at 70% 1x4 at 75% 2x AMRAP at 80%
C:Bench Press:
1x10 at 50%
1x8 at 60%
4x5 at 70%
EMOM x 3 AMRAP at 75%(or your BLB weight whichever is heavier) one set only,
so when you break rest until the next minute.
D: Accessory
4 x 12 strict banded chest to bar pull ups 4 x15 skull crushers
You'll be alright
Thinking of Bruce
Team Murph
BLB 2022 Throwback
BLB prep
Shoulders like Arnie
So the rest is ups to me?
Bad Case of the Mondays
Part A:
1:45 mins on 1 min off x 4
10 burpee BJ Over 24"/20"
10 C2Bs
AMRAP Double DB hang snatch 50/35
Rest 3 mins
Part B:
1:45 mins on 1 min off x4
15 Box Jump overs
15 T2Bs
AMRAP DB Thruster 50/35
Rest 3 mins
Part C:
For time:
10 Double DB hang snatch 50/35
10 burpee BJ Over 24"/20"
10 C2Bs
15 Box Jump overs 24"/20"
15 T2Bs
15 DB Thrusters
Score A, B, and C separately