Shake and Bake
Let's get stronger together
Coaches Nightmare
Clock starts at 0:00, rests are all 2 minutes and occur at the following times:
- 3 minute mark (3 min interval)
- 10 minute mark (5 min interval)
- 19 minute mark (7 min interval)
- 26 minute mark (5 min interval)
WOD ends at the 30 min mark (2 min interval)
AMRAP the following and pick up where you left off -
18 lunges DBs 50/35 held in front rack,
18 T2Bs,
18 cal row,
18 Burpees over the rower
Big Power
Thanks CF Ecuador
Howdy Partner
Running Amanda
Which hurts more?
New lift, who dis?
Wait don't we swing these?
Closed for Labour Day long weekend
We're having a party!
I'm feeling chipper
Went out too hot
5 min on, 2:30 off x 4
AMRAP 1: 20 KBS (2/1.5), 20 HSPU, 20 Goblet squats
AMRAP 2: 16 BBJO (24"/20"), 16 C2B, 16 KB hang snatch
AMRAP 3: 10 KBS, 10 HSPU,
Goblet squats
AMRAP 4: 8 BBJO, 8 C2Bs, 8 KB hang snatch
Goal - hit two different triplets, get a little rest, then repeat. Want to get similar scores even though there are less reps as an individual can move quicker through rounds