What no cleans?

EMOM x 10
3 full snatch at 70%

B: Bench Press
Based on new 1 RM or highest Theoretical max achieved in the last block.
2x5 at 55%
2x5 at 65%
2x5 at 75%
1 AMRAP at 80%

*use this formula to see if you get a theoretical PR based on your reps on the AMRAP
(W x R x 0.0333)+W = Theoretical 1RM
C: Seated strict DB shoulder press 4x AMRAP

Death by Cardio

EMOM rotate through the following stations

Start at 10/8 cals and 10 reps

1. Row

2. Burpee
3. Thruster 95/65
4. The fourth minute will be rest.

Each time you complete the round add one calorie to the rower and one rep to the other stations. Go as long as you can hit the required reps in that minute.

The ultimate goal is to finish the round of 20/20/20!

BLB Prep continued

A: Cleans
EMOM x 6
3 Power cleans at 70%

Rest 3 mins
EMOM x 6
1 power clean + 1 Full clean at 80%

Rest 3 mins
1 Full clean at progressively heavier loads
Start at 82.5%

B: Bench Press Based on new 1 RM

2x5 at 75% 2x3 at 80% 2x1 at 85% 1 AMRAP at 90%

*use this formula to see if you get a theoretical PR based on your reps on the AMRAP (W x R x 0.0333)+W = Theoretical 1RM