Touch 'N ' Go

On the two minutes
3/2 MU and 2 touch and go full snatches 195/130/155/95
Additional Open prep:
Catch up on any missed WOD or prep work
Oly Program: 2nd Block Day 2
A: Power Snatch + 2 OHS - 3 sets at each weight with 10lbs/5lbs  jumps (stop when you fail 2/3 sets)
B: 1 full clean + 2 push press - 4 sets at each weight 20/10 lbs jumps (stop when you fail 2/4)
C: snatch pulls 4 X 3 at 100% of 1 snatch
D: Back squats -  5X5 at 70%


Light Thrusters

Part A:
9-7-5 of
thrusters at 155/105/95/65
BJ 28"/24"/24"/20"
rest 5 minutes
Part B:
Push ups and KBS 1.5/1
Additional open prep:
rowing for calories and burpees over the rower
Strength Program:
Squat : 4X3 @80%
            4X5 @72.5%
Bench: 8X4@ 80% 
DL : 3X1 @ 90%
        2X5 @ 70%
Accessory :  Weighted pull ups 5 X8 (weight should be good for 8-10 rep range)
                     Plank Hold 2 X 90 seconds

Terrific Tuesday

Part A:
8 min EMOM
30 DU
2 Pwr snatches 185/125/135/95
Part B: 
4 min AMRAP
4 sit-ups
4 bar hop burpees
4 dead lifts (same weight as snatches above)
Additional Open Prep:
3 sets of 20 GHD sit -ups and 20 GHD back extensions
Oly Program:
Deload Week:
Day 1
A: Full snatch up to 65% for triples no miss lifts
B: Full clean + 1 squat + 1 jerk up to 65% no miss lifts
C: Strict press 5X5 at 65%