April 16, 2023 Jason Cain All the snatching April 16, 2023 Jason Cain A: Snatch - EMOM x 63 Power snatch at 70%Rest 3 minsEMOM x 61 Power + 1 Full snatch at 80%Rest 3 minsEMOM X 6 1 Full snatch at progressively heavier loadsStart at 82.5%Isabell - 30 snatch for time at 135/95
April 15, 2023 Jason Cain Salt 'n' Pepper April 15, 2023 Jason Cain Partner WOD for time switching as needed:2 RFT of :10 BBJO 24/2015 OHS 135/9520 C2BS10 BBJO 24/2015 FS 135/9520 GHD sit-ups10 BBJO 24/2015 Back Squat 135/9520 wall facing HSPU*30 min Time Cap
April 14, 2023 Jason Cain Good old chipper April 14, 2023 Jason Cain 20 BJ at 32"/24"200m run10 cleans 225/155200m run15 ring dips200m run2 legless rope climbs200m run15 ring dips200m run10 cleans 225/155200m run20 BJ at 32"/24"
April 13, 2023 Jason Cain Death by cardio April 13, 2023 Jason Cain Starting at 10/8 cals or reps 1. Row2. Bar hop burpees3. Thrusters 75/55 lbsThe fourth minute will be rest.Each time you complete the round add one cal or rep to each station.The ultimate goal is to finish the round of 20/20/20!
April 12, 2023 Jason Cain A little this and a little that April 12, 2023 Jason Cain A: Core Prep 3x 20 Starfish20 V-ups30 Flutter kicksB: Deadlifts -1x10 at 50%, 1x6 at 60% and 4x5 at 70%,C: Single are heavy DB rows 3x15D: Bicep curls - 4 x20 with empty barbell"E:3 RFT of12 Push Jerks at 135lbs/95lbs9 Front squats6 RMUCan you go unbroken?
April 11, 2023 Jason Cain New school meets old school April 11, 2023 Jason Cain On the 2 minutes x 16Odd Rounds25 DU and 25 crossovers10 T2BS + 10 V-upsEven Rounds18 WB 20#/14#9 Strict HSPUToday's goal is simple: Can you get all 16 rounds?The ideal is to maintain every round as 1:1 work to rest ratio
April 10, 2023 Jason Cain Up to 3 mins now April 10, 2023 Jason Cain Part A: 3 mins on 90 sec offx 4Row 30/24 calsAMRAP12 DB Push press 50/3512 C2Bs*Pick up on the AMRAP where you left offRest 5 minsPart B:For time:60/50 cal row24 DB push press 50/3512 BM
April 9, 2023 Jason Cain Easter Sunday - Gym is closed April 9, 2023 Jason Cain Easter Sunday - Gym is closed
April 8, 2023 Jason Cain Remember Running April 8, 2023 Jason Cain In teams of two:Run 500m togetherThen12 rounds of:Switching partners every Movement4 BM8 DL at 225/15532 WBFinish with another 500m run together
April 7, 2023 Jason Cain Good Friday - gym is closed April 7, 2023 Jason Cain Good Friday - gym is closed
April 6, 2023 Jason Cain Easter calorie deficit April 6, 2023 Jason Cain A: 20 min EMOM1. 2 rope climbs (touch and go)2. 17/14 cal rowRest 5 minsB: 20 min EMOM1. 17 KBS at 24/16kgs2. 40 feet of HW
April 5, 2023 Jason Cain Triple Test April 5, 2023 Jason Cain A: Push Press - TestFind 3 rep MaxB: Jerks from blockFind 1 Rep MaxC:Test "Annie"50-40-30-20-10 ofDU and sit-ups
April 4, 2023 Jason Cain Crossovers? April 4, 2023 Jason Cain On the 10 minutes x 320 crossovers40 GHD sit-ups60/50 cal row20 4" deficit HSPUScore is total rest!
April 3, 2023 Jason Cain How hard can a push up get? April 3, 2023 Jason Cain Part A: 2:30 mins on 1:30 minute offx 310 Cleans at 185/125lbsAMRAP C2B CindyRest 4 minutesPart B:2:30 mins on 1:30 minute offx 310 Jerks at 185/125lbsAMRAP C2B CindyCindy = 5 pull ups,10 push ups, 15 squats
April 2, 2023 Jason Cain AGOQ 2023 #3 April 2, 2023 Jason Cain For time:50 shuttle runs7 rope climbs25 bench presses7 rope climbs50 shuttle runs♀ 125-lb bench presses ♂ 185-lb bench presses
April 1, 2023 Jason Cain Let's Tango April 1, 2023 Jason Cain In teams of 2 switching every round10 rounds of7 Thrusters 135/957 Burpees over the bar7 ring dipsRest 4 mins10 rounds of12 power cleans12 T2BS
March 31, 2023 Jason Cain Comp Style Fridays March 31, 2023 Jason Cain For time:3 Rounds of:12 DB snatch 70/5010 BBJO overs 24/20Immediately into:3 Rounds of:20 T2Bs10 Steps overs holding DBFinish with with5 rope climbs
March 30, 2023 Jason Cain Let's build that capacity March 30, 2023 Jason Cain A: 40 min EMOM1. 16/14 cal row2. 5 sandbags over the shoulder (150/100)3. 50 DU4. 15 V-ups
March 29, 2023 Jason Cain Testing soon March 29, 2023 Jason Cain A: Push Press - week #57x4 at 70% of 1 RM clean and JerkB: Jerks from blockEvery 90 sec x 81 rep at 85%C:10-1 of Devils Press 35/25with 4 gym shuttle sprints after each set
March 28, 2023 Jason Cain CrossFit Buffet March 28, 2023 Jason Cain 5 min on 2:30 min off x 4AMRAP 21 BJO at 24"/20"15 C2B9 Full cleans at 155/1056 strict HSPU