We're having a party!
I'm feeling chipper
Went out too hot
5 min on, 2:30 off x 4
AMRAP 1: 20 KBS (2/1.5), 20 HSPU, 20 Goblet squats
AMRAP 2: 16 BBJO (24"/20"), 16 C2B, 16 KB hang snatch
AMRAP 3: 10 KBS, 10 HSPU,
Goblet squats
AMRAP 4: 8 BBJO, 8 C2Bs, 8 KB hang snatch
Goal - hit two different triplets, get a little rest, then repeat. Want to get similar scores even though there are less reps as an individual can move quicker through rounds
Test Day
Crazy Eights
Miracle on Rubber
1 to 1?!
What does via mean?
Shouldn't this be a partner WOD?
Coach's favourite
We test next week!
Let's make it happen
Can you get 7 rounds?
Beach Body Sundays
What's the plan
In teams of two:
Start with 1 mile run together.
Tthen complete the following work in any order with only athlete working at time:
50 BMU
75 lateral burpees over the KB
100 KBS 24/16 200 lunges holding one KB overhead
*Teams may use any strategy to get through the work as long as only one athlete is working at time